This detailed rubric breaks down the expectations for the scored sections of an online course review.

The recommendations in the rubric are a framework—a scaffolding to build your own, unique course. There is no single recipe for an excellent online course, and revising some elements does not guarantee a higher tier. In a similar vein, not all recommendations need to be implemented to see a higher rating. Few of us enjoy being evaluated, and it can be easy to take suggestions personally. In no way are we assessing the quality of any person as an instructor or their teaching methods or the quality of the content itself. Our review standards came from nationally-recognized fundamentals and were developed by faculty across all disciplines at ETSU. None of our recommended actions are required for you to continue teaching the course and are meant to empower you to design the best online delivery experience possible.

<aside> 💡 Level 5 ratings are considered to be the very best examples of an online course and require a great deal of time to develop. Courses that score in the excellent category will be holistically evaluated by the Online Liaison group for final approval for the highest possible compensation.


Criterion 1

<aside> 💡 All Criterion 1 items are required, and are assessed as either present in the course, or absent.
